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9 Manicure Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Were Making

9 Manicure Mistakes You Didn't Know You Were Making

Manicure Mistakes- How to make a manicure correctly? According to statistics from beauty industry experts. The average woman spends approximately $500 per year on her nails. Since nail care and also nail art has become popular on social media, it has grasped the attention of the masses,  and also they’ve taken an interest in adapting it to their beauty routine.

But giving yourself a nice manicure without knowing some key techniques, can ruin your entire image and put your health at risk.

For example, sanitizing your tools should be the first step and also your number one priority. According to research, the area around and under our fingernails stores the largest amount of harmful bacteria. If these tools are not being washed with disinfectant. You are allowing the spread of germs and also risking contamination. In addition, storing tools in a sealed bag allows bacteria to fester. Here are 9 manicure mistakes that are often overlooked.

Manicure Mistakes you need to know

Not washing your tools

sanitizing your tools should be the first step and also your number one priority. According to research, the area around and under our fingernails stores the largest amount of harmful bacteria.

Cutting your cuticles

Cutting your cuticles is a major health risk. Because you leave unprotected cuts on your fingers, which could potentially get infected. Moreover, when the cuticles start growing again, they come back flaky and looking messy, which completely ruins your look.

Not using a base coat

Base coats were created to bind with your natural nails. This makes your manicure last up to one week longer. This happens because our nails produce natural oils, which prevent nail polish from binding well with the nail.

Applying thick coats of polish

Thick coats of nail polish take twice as long to dry (approximately 5–6 minutes). Which is a recipe for a smudging disaster. In general, nail polish is not designed to dry out when it’s thick. Which protects it when it’s housed in the bottle.

Using Q-tips

Q-tips are proven lifesavers, especially when it comes to makeup. That’s why we incorporate them into our manicure routine as well. When nail polish gets onto the skin around the nail, we just get a Q-tip and start wiping.

Filing back and forth

Filing back and forth causes micro-cracks to appear, which makes the application of nail polish look brittle and uneven. It also weakens the nails, causing them to break more easily.

Not applying polish under the edges

 Applying nail polish around and also under the edges of your nails will prevent your manicure from flaking during various activities. That includes water, especially doing the dishes and also washing your hair. When we do these activities, water gets trapped between the nail and the nail polish. Causing it to lift and also chip around the top edges.

Drying nails in cold water

Drying your nails in cold water is a widely known tip for people. Who want to dry their freshly polished nails even faster. However, this is just a myth. Coldwater hardens the nails instead of drying them.

Shaking your nail polish bottle

Instead of shaking your nail polish, roll it slowly and horizontally in your hands.

Benefits of a Manicure (Mistakes):

Why You Need One Regularly

Women think of manicures as a fashion tick mark rather than a part of everyday hygiene. Here are 6 benefits of a manicure.

Manicures clean your nails

We use our hands (and feet) for everything, making them the most exposed parts of our body, to dust and dirt. While washing may cleanse your hands, it doesn’t remove the dirt hidden in your nails; dirt collects over time and can lead to infection. Regular manicures help keep dirt, germs, and debris at bay.

Manicures nourish your cuticles

Cuticles are the dead skin that collects at the base of your nails. They act as a germ barrier between the nail plate(the visible part of your nail) and also the thick layers of skin surrounding your nail, the eponychium. If regularly do a manicure at home, it will keep the cuticles soft, nourished, and also keep them in good shape.

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