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HOW TO: Make Your Nail Polish Manicure Last Longer!

HOW TO: Make Your Nail Polish Manicure Last Longer!

How To Make Nail Polish Last Longer- Have you ever walked out of the nail salon with a fresh manicure only to have chipped nails by the end of the day? You’ve probably wondered how to make nail polish last longer. All you need are the right tips and tricks and a few tweaks in your routine. Want in? There are steps to make nail polish last longer.

Check out these easy and amazing tips for how to make nail polish last longer?

How To Make Your Nail Polish Last 2 WEEKS-

Keep Nails Short

While long nails have a special place in our hearts, they can get in the way of a well-polished manicure. If a long-lasting manicure is what you’re after, it may be time to trade in your long set for a short option. Shorter nails are less likely to break chip, and also peel so opt for this style when clipping and filing.

Use the Right Base Coat

We all know that it’s what’s on the inside that counts, right? While many are quick to blame the polish or the top coat for their manicure woes, the basecoat is equally, if not more important —and it’s a step that many skip over entirely. By using a grippy, strong basecoat, you’ll significantly extend the life and look of your manicure.

Apply Think Coat Of Nail Polish-

When it comes to long-lasting nail polish, you always want to make sure that you go back to the basics. You can extend the life of your manicure just by applying thin coats of nail polish. Simply put, thicker coats take longer to dry and make it super easy for the polish to peel off.

Reapply Your Topcoat Every 2-3 Days

Contrary to popular belief, top-coat is not a set-it-and-forget-it type of application. Like most things worthwhile in life, it requires maintenance. For best results and preservation of your mani, reapply your top-coat every two to three days.

File Your Nails And Layer With Tops-coat

Instead of letting chipped nail polish get the best of you, take back control of your manicure. If you find that your nails have chipped right at the edge, gently file your tips down and apply a layer of topcoat to freshen up your mani.

Pick Up A No Chip Nail Polish Formula

If it seems as though traditional nail polish always leaves you with chipped nails, it may be time to try a new formula. A no-chip nail polish formula will come in handy to keep your nails looking fab. Of course, you’ll want to make sure that you’re painting your nails the right way, as well. Head on over to our article, How to Paint Your Nails for an At-Home Manicure, for some pointers.

Take Care of Chip Right Away

Ever look at a chipped nail, roll your eyes, get annoyed and then totally forget about it? Yep, us too. But tackling chips when they first happen will help to preserve your manicure in a few ways and the sooner you restore your nails back to a cohesive, flaw-free look, the better. Odds are if you let the chip sit, you just might peel and pick your way into mani-destruction. Also, fixing the chip will prevent it from spreading and getting worse on its own.

Use Gloves

Like it or not, one of the fastest ways to kiss your flawless manicure goodbye is to saturate your nails in water and cleaning products. Stay ahead of the game, and wear gloves while doing household chores to protect your manicure.

Avoid Getting Nail Polish on Your Cuticles

Even if you’re a manicure expert, you can get nail polish on your cuticles or skin by mistake. Unfortunately, this can lead to peeling or chipping once the nail polish breaks off. Luckily, you can clean things up pretty quickly. Simply saturate a cotton swab with nail polish remover and carefully go over the perimeter of your nails to remove any polish that shouldn’t be there.

Dry Your Nails Properly

We totally get the excitement of wanting to show off your new manicure. But if you don’t take the appropriate time to dry your nails, your manicure can pay the price. The truth is, it can actually take one to two hours for your nails to dry completely. If your 15-minute drying session just isn’t cutting it, you’ll need to give yourself more time in the salon chair. 

Skin Hot Bath

Do you know how you can get pruny after spending too much time in the pool or bath? Well, just think of what that’s doing to your nails at the same time. Being submerged in water for a significant amount of time can result in moisture seeping in beneath the surface of the polish, which can cause peeling and flaking prematurely.

Apply Cuticle oil Or Cream

If you’ve been skipping out on applying cuticle oil and cream to your nails, it’s time to get consistent. When your nails are thirsty for moisture, you run the risk of experiencing more wear and tear. Show your nails some TLC by adding a drop of cuticle oil to the base of your nails post-manicure.

Wipe with Vinegar

Did you know that wiping your bare nails with white vinegar will help to remove excess oils and serves as a natural cleanser pre-mani? Swipe each nail with vinegar on a cotton swab and let them air dry to ensure a clean slate for your manicure. Then, apply the base coat, polish, and topcoat.

Don’t Bite

This sounds like a no-brainer but is often easier said than done. Even if you’re not a nail biter, biting your cuticles or any skin around the nail can lead to a manicure disaster, so avoid biting or putting your fingers anywhere near your mouth. For many, biting your nails is a subconscious nervous habit. In other words, when you feel the urge to do so, try to focus on your breath instead (three breaths slowly in, three out). There are also foul-tasting topcoats you can try, too.

Roll, Don’t Shake!

It seems to be a common practice to bang the bottom of the nail polish bottle on your palm, or to shake it up to get even color and the last bit out of the bottle — but in doing so, you’ll actually create air bubbles. Then, when you apply the polish, even though the bubbles may be undetectable, they’ll cause your mani to chip faster than it should. Instead of shaking or tapping, roll the bottle between your palms at a rapid but smooth pace.

Dry Your Nail Polish Quickly 

Instead of using hot air, like your blow-dryer on its highest setting, to dry your nails, opt for a cool approach. Think about it: Your manicurist likely has a miniature fan at her station, not a blow-dryer. Hot air can actually prevent your nails from drying properly, so use the cool air setting or sit your nails under a fan to get the job done.

Wrap the Tip

When applying the polish, be sure to wrap the polish around the tip, following the curvature of the nail and finishing slightly underneath the tip. If you just stop at the tip of your nail, it leaves them more prone to chips and cracks. However, by wrapping, you essentially create a seal that makes the manicure harder to damage.

Source- byrdie/lorealparisusa

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